The Ladies Who Lunch Network hosted its second annual Shop4Hope charity shopping event. Within two short years, the event has become bigger, better, and much more stylish.

The event started as a modest and passionate effort has turned into something luxurious, yet equally philanthropic. LWL CEO and founder Maria Kritikos first created the event as a clothing drive to help aid those devastated by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. This year, Shop4Hope was held at Holt Renfrew with 10% of the evening’s proceeds benefiting the Vancouver branch of Dress For Success.


Shop4Hope featured a fashion show featuring the latest spring fashions at Holt’s. Instead of sending agency models down the runway, a group of strong, career-oriented women (and one confident little boy – Maria’s son Andrew) modeled the clothes. The group included an array of media personalities, stylists, and singers: CTV Morning Live traffic anchor Ann Luu, TV host Fiona Forbes, celebrity stylist Kim Appelt, and country singer Kristal Barrett-Stuart.

Some of the evening’s best runway looks came from Canadian Designer Wayne Clark who launched his eponymous brand in the late 80s. It’s great to see Canadian designers make a comeback. But the fashions didn’t stop at the runway or retail levels; it naturally flowed into the guests’ savvy street style. Some standout fashions were worn by Vancity Vogue founder Sharon Dhillon in a beautiful black pantsuit, Alexandra Thompson of Gastown boutique Wardrobe Apparel in a minimalist white shirt, Cocoa Tanning Studio owner Kerri Kinna in a gorgeous ASOS dress, and Vancity Buzz editor Nicolle Hodges who sported a fabulous watercolour print jacket.

Aside from the charitable work, the fashions, and the shopping, the best part is always the people at the Ladies Who Lunch events. Everyone there was a woman striking it out on her own terms, changing the industry she dedicated her life to, and supporting one another along the way.


I had the chance to chat with Maria and ask her how she came about starting the LWL network two years ago. She talked about how, as a certified Law of Attraction facilitator, she was given the task to dream about anything she wanted in the world. She dreamed big by asking for a global network of women empowering each other. Maria also said she didn’t think two years ago she would be hosting an event at Holt Renfrew – but there she was realizing her dream!


If you’d  like to connect with a group of amazing like-minded women, check out the Ladies Who Lunch Network or, hang out with Maria on her show aptly titled Hang Out With Maria. ‘Cause you know what they say… ladies who lunch together succeed together!

(Okay so that last part I made up, but someone really needs to start saying that.)